Outside Lighting
Lighting the inside of your home with lamps and light fittings is a vital part of creating a warm, cosy and relaxed home, regardless what season it is. However, have you ever stopped to think that external lighting might be just as important - if not more so?
Although winter has officially begun and those summer evenings seem a distant memory, now is the perfect time to plan, prepare and act ready for the summer ahead. There are countless ways to enjoy a pleasant evening with friends/family in your front or back garden. Without suitable outdoor lighting though the fun will be short lived . Because of your limited sight, you run the risk of hurting yourself and others. Below are just a few reasons why you should consider contacting us to help meet your external lighting needs.
Outdoor lighting doesn’t just have to be for visual, decorative reasons. Lit houses make it twice as hard for people to break into, as there is nowhere for them to hide without being seen, by installing external lights for your property you are also improving your security. There are a variety of LED lights you can choose from such as, flood lights with motion sensors, landscape lighting, garden lights with motion sensors, lights with timers (important when abroad), spot lights, dusk to dawn lights.
2. Provides safety for guests
When hosting and having visitors around, particularly during the evening, it is always a good idea to ensure all pathways and steps leading to your property are sensibly lit to ensure trips/falls are avoided.
3. Increase Value and appeal of property
Properties that include a type of external lighting are more likely to sell for more, than homes without. Reasons for this include, to potential buyers your home may feel more inviting when viewing in the evenings and leave a lasting first impression, it’s more secure or looks better than other houses without lights. Although it’s essential that your lights are not poorly placed or installed, as this could have the opposite effect and decrease the value of your home.